Monday, December 28

"I bought a ticket to the end of the rainbow."

I don't understand my blog readers. Why would you read my blog if you didn't like me? Why would you care about my life, like why would you give a crap? I don't get you. If you don't like me or what I post, just don't even read it. You're freaking stupid. It's cool to give your opinions on issues and beliefs, but on my life, yeah I wouldn't say that's something that deserves your opinion especially considering I never asked for your advice. You just prove how immature and bored you truly are, especially by being anonymous. I'm not scared to hear what you think of me or what you want to tell me, but at least tell me to my face or at least say who you are because you're obviously scared to be honest. This has been ongoing and I'm pretty much sick of it. I don't write my blog to get attention. I don't post my blog anywhere anymore because I don't want to give the impression that I want readers or stupid annoying comments. I write it for me, not you and your stupid criticism.