Monday, December 28

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also some reason in madness."

"8 months down, hopefully a lifetime to come." - EJF
"You have to wait for someone who sees you, and I mean really sees you. Sees all your quirks and your flaws and the cracks in your facade and still loves you and gives you records and maybe goes to the park with you on Sundays to sit on the swings. Listen - this person will find you, but you have to wait. That's the important distinction there. They will find you. So live your life, and be happy, and stop looking all the time."

I realized that one day while sitting in the booth at Burger King that being single and not looking brought me the best luck ever because I realized the person I didn't know I wanted was the person I needed. That was you Trey and it will always be you. I pinky promise till the end of time.  :)

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