Sunday, December 27

“The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.”

Ha I just realized I blogged 0 about Christmas. So I figured, hey I'm bored I'll tell you about the most amazing Christmas ever. Christmas Eve was spent first at church which was great and then at my Aunt Debbie's like every year since we moved to Arizona. This was the first real holiday I've ever spent with someone non-family which was Trey. It was amazing to see him fit so well amidst my crazy loud CRAZY family. I love my cousins, they could seriously all be my brothers and sisters because we're all different, but all strangely the same. We laughed a lot and just enjoyed being together. I got my amazing red converse care of my secret Santa (ALYSSA!) and they're now the staple of my wardrobe. I'm wearing them right now. I was excited to get home and put on my new red Victoria's secret sleep dress and go to bed. Christmas Day was awesome. I got everything I wanted and more and realized how much I enjoy being with these people I'm blessed to call my family. Trey spent the day with his dad, mom, and sister, while I engaged in more camaraderie with the Fazio's/Stueben's. The food was so good as always and the entertainment was better. My Uncle Danny used his secret Santa gift, a huge Nerf gun, to attack us all as "Danbo." Only in my family. We opened presents with my Nana (Snana) and Pop Pop and fought over vicious games of Catchphrase (Boys vs Girls) and obnoxiously chanted cheater during Quarters when that person got the dice rolls we wanted. I was excited to spend the rest of my night in the quiet of Trey's house with his family. I gave Trey his presents at my house: a grey Zhu Zhu hamster like mine, a huge picture frame collage of us, and a Marshmallow gun. My mom gave him marshmallows, a Harkins gift package complete with film strip bow, and the Hangover. When we got to his house he gave me a wonderful little reindeer ornament for our first Christmas with our picture in it, a scrapbook he made himself, four adorable dino puppets, and the Juicy double rings I wanted. Even though I believe his mom doesn't like me, she gave me a necklace from Weisberg jewelers that was SO pretty. I enjoyed a nice delicious dinner with the Fitzpatrick's and a sleepy watch of the Hangover before the best Christmas ended and I realized how truly truly blessed I am. God has given me so much in just these amazing people that I'm surrounded with.
I basically also got the coolest things ever and I'm so so satisfied:


Anonymous said...

way to be selfish and brag about it.

Anonymous said...

way to be a bitch and comment.