Saturday, December 26

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.”

I'm currently making my list of goals to accomplish in 2010. It's going to be a rather extravagant list, but I'm excited.  Here is my tentative list:
  1. Road Trip!'
  2. (Re-)Read these books: Animal Farm, 1984, The Catcher in the Rye, The Notebook, HP 1-7, The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, Wicked, Watchmen, & For Whom the Bell Tolls.
  3. Go on vacation with Trey alone. 
  4. Get my belly button pierced.
  5. Move out. :)
  6. Get a 3.5 GPA.
I was a little disappointed that I failed last year and only completed like two things on my list, but oh well. I'm determined to make 2010 so MUCH better, not just the second half of the year. 2009 was full of change: graduation, loss, Trey, college, it was a time to grow. I think next year will be a time to sustain and improve. I'm very excited for the fresh start and hopefully new beginnings. Just as a reminder to myself and all of you the only goals completed were graduate high school, get a tattoo, finish a sudoku, and love more. I'm disappointed, but in a way I'm still satisfied I was able to keep even one of my goals. They're not resolutions as I explained to my dear boyfriend because almost without a doubt a "resolution" is given up within two weeks of new year's, so they're just goals to me and it works. :)

    1 comment:

    Rachel Dawson said...

    awh, i remember your 2009 list! :(