Wednesday, December 23

“None of us really changes over time. We only become more fully what we are.”

Just a quickie update: I love work, I love my friends, and I love the Glee Soundtrack.  Last Wednesday was the first day I met my first client, Nicholas, who was supposed to be a real handful, but he was just a really really sweet kid. By the way, I'm working in habilitation and respite care for kids with special needs, to help them learn to complete tasks using fine and gross motor skills. It's a real blessing to have this wonderful experience, so I can decide if Special Education is a better fitting major for me. Today is my first day working on his goals, so I'm really excited about that. Last night, I was once again reaffirmed in how much I freaking love my friends, my group (the guys and Sam). We all have a blast together, even if it's rare; thank you to my mother making me come home at 10. I thoroughly enjoy the stupidity of shooting cans with a BB Gun in Stephen's backyard and playing MKF while doing so. I definitely see it as a peak into my quite exciting future. HA. :) Oh yes and Alex bought me and Trey (mostly me), the Glee Soundtracks and I'm in love. I've been pretty much listening to them on shuffle since I got home last night and finished their presents. I totally still am right now. I'm on a high for sure.

All my grades have been posted and well Math and English weren't too promising, but I got an A in LIA (aka BS Don't Fall Asleep While you Listen to Someone Talk about Music 101).  I've been waiting intently for my final grade to get posted, which was Physics ugh. The one that could make or break my GPA for Gamma Phi next semester. I woke up this morning and refreshed the page and there it was! B!!! Oh my goodness. I flipped to say the least. I seriously thought I was going to fail and had no idea what to expect because he never posted grades online or anything. Can you tell I'm stoked and I'd probably be talking really fast right now? :) Well, I totally would be. I ended my first semester of ASU with a very disappointing GPA for me, considering I've never had lower than a 3.8 EVER. I got a 2.73, which sucks, but I needed a 2.4 to stay in good standing, so it will do for this semester, but never again.

I'm closing out this chapter of my life, my first semester is done and I'm only looking back to fix the mistakes of skipping class and facebook procrastinating that I plan to change for next semester thank goodness.  I'm psyched for all my new classes, mostly education ones. YAY. :) 2 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS! YML. It's the good life kids.

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