Monday, November 23

“The sweetest sounds I’ll ever hear are still inside my head. The kindest words I’ll ever know are waiting to be said."

10 Things You Say WAY TOO MUCH:
1. "Stupid retard."
2. "FML."
3. "Blahhhhhh."
4. "NBD (No big deal)"
5. "Superfab"
6. "Epic"
7. "Chipotle?"
8. "Super stoked."
9. "I'm so done."
10. "SNAPS!"

9 People You REALLY Care About:
1. Edward John Fitzpatrick III
2. Mommy
3. Schnookie
4. Michelle Denise Splaver
5. Monika Beauvais
6. Alex Shannon
7. Daddy
8. Stephen Roy
9. Emily Louise Christ

8 Things You're OBSESSED With:
2. Taylor Swift.
3. Farmville.
4. Snuggies.
5. Singing/Dancing in my car.
7. Gphi B!

7 Habits of Yours:
1. Biting my nails.
2. Talking A LOT.
3. Telling pointless stories that nobody cares about.
4. Blogging whenever anything is on my mind.
5. Complaining :)
6. Falling asleep on my mac.

6 Foods You Love:
1. Chicken Nuggets.
2. Ribs.
3. Ice Cream.
4. Chicken and Rice Chipotle Burritos.
5. Lucky Charms.
6. Pasta, :)

5 Things You HATE:
1. Liars
2. Drama
3. Having class on friday's.
4. Physics.

4 Future Kid Names:
1. Hallie Summer
2. Edward John Fitzpatrick IV (Liam)
3. Declan Alexander
4. Ella Brooke

3 Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
1. Get married.
2. Have babies.
3. Write a book.

2 Things You Can't Live Without:
1. Jesus.
2. Trey.

1 Thing You Want To Say To Someone:
1. Yesterday, you said the meanest thing anyone has EVER said to me, someone who I once called my best friend. I know you think it was valid, but you are SO wrong. Good luck with your life. You're a backstabber and have a lot to learn about life.


Rachel Dawson said...

i spoke the truth and i'll never take that back. sometimes, the truth hurts, danielle. get over yourself and stop lying to everyone. you're just upset we all caught you in it. seems like you have a much greater lesson to learn, my dear. best of luck.

Anonymous said...

WOO speak the truth sister