Thursday, November 26

“Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.”

Ironically enough Alex stole my blog idea. I've found myself seeing people for who they really are and I've learned to let go of those who just bring me down. It's been a long week to say the least, yes it's only Thursday, but it's been hard. I've finally fallen under the pressure of college realizing I have about two weeks left before finals. But even amongst the stress and monotony of everyday life I've taken for granted the people I do have. The people I am genuinely thankful for everyday. Last night was one of the most fun nights I've had in awhile apart from the sorority and just Trey and I. Stephen finally came home from Texas. Surprising him and preparing to surprise him was bittersweet. When he got home it felt like we were whole again, me, Trey, Alex, Randy and Stephen. It made me miss senior year so much because we had this togetherness all the time. Just being with them made me realize how much I fit with my brothers, or my children depending on whether I'm yelling at them or not. :) Randy, you're so badass and thank you for taking care of Trey when I'm not around. Stephen, you have the best advice even being so far away and you take our jokes better than someone else... Alex, you're the best listener, you let me call and take out my frustration on you when nobody else is around, and yes I do feel like your mom sometimes reprimanding some of your ridiculous behavior. :)

Michelle, you're my best friend forever, you're always there when I need you even if you're not right next to me all the time, we get each other. Alyssa, you're my twin since your birth, you let me be me, and we always have a blast together. Mama Beth, even though I never see you, you never cease to amaze me with your kind words and listening ear. Kiara, you've become one of closest friends, thank goodness, you've kept me sane-ish, and we understand each other. My wonderful family, their love is unconditional and whole and they wouldn't leave. Cooper, although you're not human, you're my baby and you fit so well with this crazy family. I've found so many reasons to be blessed today on Thanksgiving. God has given me so much. He's given me good with the bad, but lessons in all of it. I don't think I can say enough how glad I am to have these people and the life I have. I'm so happy.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope today you are thankful for everything you have. :)

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