Saturday, November 28

“You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.”

The weather has been perfect the past few days. I've honestly loved just sitting outside and soaking in the beautiful breeze like I am right now. This whole weekend has been exactly what I've needed. Family, friends, Trey and the rest isn't too bad either. I'm trying to get my priorities in order. I dropped my winter online class because of my current lack of money. I needed that class to make up for the fact that I dropped that lecture last month, but oh well. I'm now scrambling to improve my grades realizing that I only have um, two weeks at most. The bright side is that I only have one real final. I have my final english research paper due on the 8th, then I'm finished with that class. Physics is a different story, we have instruments to finish prior to our recital on the 8th as well, currently my pan flutes are going downhill very fast. My LIA (ASU 101) class is a participation only, so there's no final there. Then my math class is the only one with a final and I'm just sort of whatever with that. Currently, I'm stressed and I only feel stressed when I think about all of this nonsense I have, but for some reason I'm not worried otherwise. I think I'm just over college and I'm sick of feeling senioritis already in my first semester of freshman year. I'm just cruising right now. I'm happy. I'm content. I'm blessed. I think I've taken on Trey's attitude of life and it scares me. :) But it's also a fresh outlook on the normally paranoid type A personality I usually have.

For the record, give 'em hell Devils. The big game is going on right now and I'm not there. :(

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