Monday, November 9

“Life is not so much about beginnings and endings as it is about going on and on and on. It is about muddling through the middle.”

Yeah I love procrastinating in the LRC. :)

Coke, crack, heroin, oxy, acid, ecstasy, peyote, mushrooms, opium. How many have you done?
NONE! :]

If your current bf/gf cheated on you, would you give them a second chance?
Always, always.

Does anyone not like you at the moment?
Oh yes, people are so wonderful.

Ever been out of your state?

Name your favorite beer?

When you say you don’t care do you mean it?
Not usually.

Do you regret anything that you’ve done in your past?
There are some things that I did that were stupid, but I wouldn't be where I am today.

Do you hate it when people smoke around you?
Yes it's makes me gag.

What is more important, family or friends?
Friends are the family you choose, but my family are the only people who haven't left.

Would you rather choose truth or dare?
Truth please.

How’s your heart lately?
It's been doing well, seen better days, but it's beating.

Do you think age matters in relationships?
Haha, I think it matters if you're 30 going after an 18 year old or if you're 25 going after a 50 year old, but it shouldn't really.

Are promises important to you?
Pinky promises mean everything.

Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Well, it's cold in the Learning Resource Center. I have to be at school. I have physics hw and Trey is not here. So No I do not. :)

Is there anyone you wish you could be spending time with right now?
There's a few people.

Do you hate being home alone?
I love it.

Have you ever kissed someone with a lip ring?

If the person you like started smoking, what would you do?
He quit smoking.

Think back in April, how was your love life then?
I was bouncing from guy to guy until prom and then everything got surprisingly simple because I knew what I wanted. :)

Have you ever told someone you hated them and meant it?
Sometimes I say that to Charles when he's being a jackass, so yeah.

Has anything upset you in the last week?

Where is your biological mother right now?
At work.

Anyone you’re giving up on?
Yes. I'm done and over it.

Do you have any bruises?
Probably, i'm clumsy.

Have you kissed one person more than 20 times in 09?
Duhhhhh! :)

Has anyone ever told you they liked you in a really sweet way?

Are you under the influence of anything at the moment?

Do you REALLY love ALL your family?
I do, very much. :)

Freedom or safety?
Freedom, i don't know.

Anyone you were good friends with, that you no longer get along with?
Yes there's a few. Once again, I'm done.

In school, how was/is your attendance record?
In high school, almost perfect. College, AHAHAHA.

Is there something you wear everyday?
My Promise Ring :)

What woke you up this morning?
Mom yelling.

Were you happy when you woke up today?
Not at all, i'm usually not tho.

What kind of mood are you in today?
Melancholy, but good. Contradiction, oh well.

Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
I have Trey of course and Alex and Stephen. Alex and Stephen are like my brothers. :)

Is it ever too late to apologize?
It's never too late.

Are your parents still together?
Nope and its better that way.

Who can make you feel better in a difficult situation?
Trey is literally the most patient, kind, understanding person. He doesn't have to say a single word to make me feel better. His arms are everything. :)

What do you do when you have a bad day?
Listen to music on my iPod, blog, cry, vent.

Do you believe that love lasts forever?
This is a difficult one. There are some loves that do. Some that don't. I used to be disillusioned thinking that when you loved someone you'd love them forever no matter what, I don't anymore. But I do believe there may be one or two people out there that people (non family) will love for the rest of their lives whether in the romantic way or a friendship way. Once again, it's something that only time can show.

When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug?
Last night when Trey left.

Last person you went swimming with?
Um yikes, Dana and I did when she was here in August.

Has someone gotten mad at you in the last 24 hours?
Mom is always mad at me. :) It's whatever.

Someone tells you that you’re beautiful, you say?
Haha, yeah right.

Do you ignore people when you’re mad/upset with them?
Oh yeah, I'm stubborn and don't think they deserve the time of day. Major silent treatment.

Have you ever kissed somebody driving?
Yes I have. :)

Has anyone said you have changed lately?
Um, not really.

What are/were you doing at twelve this afternoon?
It's only 10 am. BLAHHHHH.

Do you believe that your first love can be your only love in life?
No. Sometimes it's your second that is your forever ;]

Have you ever been so hurt that you wanted to stop feeling completely?
Yes, I have.

Have you ever been out past curfew?
Haha not often, but yes.

Your relationship status?
I think everyone knows this. But I'm taken. :)

Person you last had feelings for shows up at your house, you?
Tell him to eff off.

Do you think you will have the same best friends a year from now?
I believe I will, yes.

Connection between you and the last person who text messaged you?
It's twitter, I have a love/hate relationship with Twitter.

What are you doing right now?
This survey and craving a Coke.

Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend?
A big fight no, but we haven't spoken in a month. There was no fighting because there were no words.

Who were you last on the phone with?

What was the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
iChat with Trey.

Know someone that has a perfect relationship?

Have you consumed alcohol in the past 48 hours?
I have not.

Do you like hugs?

Ever been to Georgia?

What were you doing thirty minutes ago?
Farmville in the LRC. :)

I'm sick of using Blogger as a boredom device. It sucks. I decided today that I want a genie, so they can grant me three wishes. I know exactly what I'd choose, but I realized even then I wouldn't be satisfied. I never knew college would change my life so much. I'm still at home, practically living the same life as before, but yet everything is so different and complicated. Stephen is in Texas. Alex is rarely home. I don't have time to make retarded videos with Alyssa anymore. I communicate with Michelle over Facebook and text. My entire friend group has been dismembered. People have left and I've met new great people in college. I've grown up a lot, thank goodness. I've finally seen people for who they truly are, whether that's fake and immature or selfless and beautiful. I guess I wish I could also read minds to see what people are really thinking. I've encountered so many people that I believed were genuine only to be extremely fooled. I've felt betrayed and I've lost trust in so many people with their lies and secrets. I thought trust meant loving someone enough to be honest with them. I guess it doesn't. I'm trying to figure out where the year went. It's November and almost 2010. It was overall one of the best years of my life mostly because I've changed so much as a person and found so much I was looking for. I made a lot of mistakes and I don't have any regrets. I'm me because of them. I'm hoping to make the rest of this year the best it can be. I'm trying to persevere through the stress and the tired attitude. I'll let you know how that goes. ;)


Anonymous said...

i hate to sound like a stalker, but i've followed your life in pictures, songs and blogs, we went to school together. i think you've had an amazing journey, your beautiful and im so happy you've found someone you makes your heart sing <3

Elle said...

Thank you so much :) <3 This comment made my day