Wednesday, November 11

"See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you , and once in a while people may even take your breath away."

So here we are. It's been six months. Some days it feels like six years and sometimes it feels like six days. One day, I hope to write our story and publish it for the world to read and gain hope from. I'm writing this blog for Trey mostly. I'm running out of ideas to surprise him and I think this is perfect.

I'll start from the beginning, some of you may remember where it started, but had no idea this was Trey. Over a year ago I blogged about a weird band kid who jumped my bug, that was Trey. He was a semi-familiar face from my senior english class. I didn't pay much attention to him, even though I claimed I would bake him cookies to thank him. I was wrapped up in my whole world with my friends and my boyfriend and the whole excitement of senior year. Well, Casey left me a little over a week after Trey jumped my car. I was a mess going from guy to guy, anyone who would give me the time of day and called me pretty. I was weak. I confessed my secret crush on my best guy friend, Trey's best friend also. I thought it was going to be perfect. He listened and understood me and still let me be the strong willed person I was, or so I believed. By this time it was February and I switched into a new math class that semester where Alex was and so was Trey. This is when we began to talk. I asked for his advice on how to get Alex's attention. I struggled because Alex wasn't like any guy I'd ever had feelings for. I was expected to make the effort, to step out. Slowly I realized I was failing miserably even though Trey assured me that Alex would be crazy if he rejected me. Trey was right, Alex was crazy. (Sorry love.<3) I never felt so crushed by someone. I struggled to bounce back wondering what was wrong with me, why couldn't I get a good guy. I fell lower and lower becoming even more desperate. In this time, Trey and I became closer friends over text, at our weekly group lunches, and in class. He pretended to actually understand Pre Calc, what a joke. :) He made me laugh, he had that way of making fun of people like I did, and he would assure me that I looked okay in math even when I felt so ugly.

The week before prom rolled around and we were having a group lunch at Burger King. I joked about not being able to have anyone to have post prom sex with and Trey willingly volunteered. (HAHA no we didn't) I started to look at him differently, wondering if maybe he liked me too. It was Prom Night, April 18th. I went alone in this huge gold princess ball gown with my three best friends. Trey was also going alone, in a group of about 20 or so band kids and dates. The girls and I arrived pretty early to the Wrigley Mansion. I was texting Trey nonstop because dancing alone SUCKED. My phone was in my bra and I was anxiously anticipating each vibrate, hoping he was here finally. He arrived way later and I was so nervous. I was saying I couldn't find him, but I could see him in plain sight clearly looking for me. I didn't know what to expect and didn't want to disappoint him in how I looked or anything. I finally got the courage to "bump" into him after lying to the girls saying he begged me to dance with him. :)

End of Part One.
I've decided to do our story in parts where I write one part everyday until our anniversary on Saturday. :)

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