Thursday, August 13

“I learned being mad was easier than being sad. I could settle into an easy rhythm of blame and hate. To not focus energy on the ache in my heart."

“Beware of the word friend. It can often be used by men or the women that love them to excuse the most unfriendly behavior. Personally, when I’m picking friends, I like the ones who don’t make me cry myself to sleep.”

You make me SO mad, furious even. Not many people can do so, but you're a lying, cheating, manipulating sweet talker. You had me wrapped wrapped wrapped around your finger. I was sticking up for you, talking to you all the time, allowing you to cloud my head into believing you cared about me and wanted nothing but the best for me. All you wanted was to get in my pants.

I see how you lie and sneak around and tell everyone else around me to keep secrets from me. That's so cool of you, believing I was too stupid to catch on. I'm one of the best at reading people, I see right through you. I'm one of those people who likes to make their own opinions about people because for some stupid reason I trust people easily even after being hurt countless times. I'm done. I'll talk to you, but any hope of me being close to you, that's done. Go hurt someone else who can actually believe your lies.


Rachel Dawson said...

wow girl, text me

Anonymous said...


Elle said...

not casey! anonymous people are retards!

Anonymous said...

who is it??

Anonymous said...

hey other anonymous, don't steal my anonymity !

Elle said...

if you cared enough, you wouldn't be anonymous.

Anonymous said...

hey it's your best friend. i'm trying to be as cool as the anonymous commenters by not showing my picture or my name.
i looooove you :)