Tuesday, May 18

"Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind."

Disappointment makes me sick. I haven't been blogging. I know. I've been mega stressing and just trying to relax, but maybe I should have been blogging to calm down. I failed both parts of my state real estate test: once on Saturday afternoon, the other today. I got lectured by my wonderful parents pretty much about how stupid I am because even my dad passed on the first try and what I can do to be more prepared (I STUDY EVERYDAY!!). Blah, I just get all worked up and I over think and re think everything on the test. It was hard, but I know this stuff like the back of my hand. I just needed to get that out. I don't really wanna talk about it anymore. It's ugh. I'm QUITE over it.

So now onto happier subjects: GLEE CONCERT. It was surreal. It was wonderful. It was everything I hoped for and more. Our seats were really good for only 40 bucks and getting them the day before. We didn't use binoculars and I was able to take pictures which was fabulous. Hearing these songs live was so cool, they're really really talented. Hearing Lea Michele was so crazy. During "Defying Gravity" and "Like a Prayer," I got serious chills. The whole thing can't even really be put into words. Just being in the same room was so awesome. It's nothing like watching on TV or blasting in my car, and hearing the songs in those ways will never measure up to hearing them live. I enjoyed getting all fan girl-ish and screaming a lot especially for Puck (Mark Sailing) even though I didn't get to grab his butt like I wanted. But overall, one of the best nights.

("Somebody to Love")

I'm really beginning to love summer. Okay, I've always loved it, but last night was a wonderful start with the whole gang home and reunited. We gathered at my newly clean house. (YES!! It's actually livable again) We started on our fort, it was kind of a fail, even though we were able to sit in it, it was REALLLLY hot. Oh my word. I looked around and realized how different we all are, but how we fit so well. We're such a bunch. A bunch of what, I have no clue..we're just different, but I love it. Once, I upload the pictures, I'll post some, once again like I said my camera is retarded and now my USB is M.I.A. this is my life. :) 

Trey bought me the most wonderful anniversary present. It's this gorgeous necklace. A definite new staple in my wardrobe. I adore it. :)  I can't get a good picture of me with it on because Trey's photobooth isn't as good as mine ;), sorry babes.  It's a white puffy heart with a ring and a a flower. But here's a picture from Nordstrom.com:

Today was kinda sucky, kinda not. Trey and I voted for the first time today, even though the guy called me a problem child for going to the wrong polling location. Whatevs.  I'm ready for GleeTuesday! It's "Dream On" tonight and it's also my high school choir teacher's retirement concert. It's just really hard for me to miss Glee. I'm considerate, I know. Well I'll leave you with a picture I found on Trizzle's (Trey) Macbook:


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