1. Fit in Your Jeans By Friday - Okay, so who doesn't want to look like Kim Kardashian? Seriously. I heard about her workout DVD's a few months ago maybe. I was pretty skeptical, like yeah every famous person can put their face on some random workout, but I read some good reviews, so I bought the first one on SALE from Walmart ($10)! I did it on Thursday morning. There's two really quick lower body workouts, 15 minutes each. I did the first workout and a little bit of the second. I was dying by the end. It was so intense. I thought that was bad, no. I woke up Friday morning and this morning, STILL cannot walk or sit down without making a face of pure quad soreness. Seriously, it's amazing. It makes you feel so good.
(I couldn't get a good picture)
2. Curling my Hair like Keiko Lynn - My hair is very unpredictable. It never does what I want and when it does, it never stays that way, no matter how much hairspray I put in it. It's annoying. I saw that Keiko Lynn, this adorable fashion designer, did a tutorial about how she curls her hair typically. She puts the curling iron downwards and wraps her hair around it. It was a miracle that my hair cooperated and looked SO cute. Seriously. I loved it and it's so fast and easy and it STAYED. Want to check it out: click here!3. The Magic of Coffee: Exfoliator - I'm always looking for new stuff to try on my face. Ask Trey, seriously I would NOT want to know how much I spend in a month on face products. But I love finding something natural and free/cheap that works. I found coffee yesterday. My face is super sensitive, so exfoliators usually are too harsh for me, but I found coffee grounds (whatever you put in the coffee pot to make the coffee) to be so perfect. Coffee is a natural anti-bacterial, which is really cool. They weren't too rough on my skin especially when mixed with some milk (lactic acid removes dead skin cells). I enjoyed it before I cleansed.
(No, it's cool I just look like death.)
4. The Magic of Coffee: Energy - I used to drink a LOT of coffee, but now not so much because quite frankly I'm broke and I prefer Starbucks French Vanilla Lattes. The only thing I like coffee wise besides those, is Coffeemate. I don't know what it is, creamer, flavoring, something. I have no idea, but I pour a ton into my dad's coffee and I adore it. I didn't sleep at all last night. Thank you Cooper. He made me coffee this morning and voila I am awake and ready for my test today and for Number 5 on my list.(weheartit.com)
5. GLEE LIVE! - Yesterday, my mom found tickets on Stubhub.com. I went over to Alex's to talk to Mama J. We were worried about getting scammed for tickets, but after a lot of convincing, she bought them. The tickets were cheap and up in the 300's, but WHO CARES!? It's Glee LIVE in person, like IN the SAME ROOM AS ME, that's so much better then them in my living room on Tuesday nights. Clearly, I'm excited for tonight. 8 pm at the Dodge Theater with Broface, Mama J, and Mama L (Lisa, Sam's momma). I'm kinda sad the whole gang isn't going. I wish Trey wasn't working, but we'll soak it up for them.I'm adding a new aspect of Serendipitous Saturdays: favorite pictures from the week:
Have a good Saturday lovers.
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