Thursday, May 13

"This world keeps spinning faster into a new disaster so I run to you, I run to you baby."

One year. 525,600 minutes. 365 Days (360, in a statutory year). 52 weeks. 12 months. Two people. Danielle Nicole and Edward John. Today. Last year I was sure, and now one year later, I am even more sure. This is real.

Trey and I laid face to face on my bed and he looked into my eyes and asked me to be his girlfriend. I was elated and from that moment on, he's stood by me. I won't say this entry won't be cheesy because chances are if you're not Trey, it will be because you read about our love enough, but I'll never get sick of talking about it and I can guarantee he won't ever get sick of hearing it.

I think it's when he looks into my eyes and he knows everything I'm thinking. He reads me. It's also when grabs my hand in the truck when he's driving just to make sure I'm there. And when comes up behind me when I'm running away and throws me over his shoulder and I scream put me down, but I secretly want to stay that way forever. We have a childlike energy. I love when we call each other silly nicknames, they're endless: doodle bug, partners in crime, trex, hundred grand, almond joy, and of course bear and bunny, the best.

You've made me a different person. You've made me realize so much about life. It's so finite, why waste a day being upset and doing stuff you don't want to, when you can be eating donuts and watching say yes to the dress all day. You've given me the confidence and the push to do what I want even when I spent numerous nights bouncing career ideas off you. I've always admired your sureness in being a police officer.

This post is all over the place, much like our relationship. It's never been the same. We have something so special, something I believe that rubs off on others. I never once thought you didn't care or didn't love me enough. You've always given me more than I believe I deserve. I was so broken when I met you, so lost in something that wasn't right. You showed me that maybe I do deserve better than second best, that I am worth caring about, that I am someone's other half. I never thought I'd find someone who loves country music, I always said when I did, I knew they'd be the one. There's a song you put on the CD you made me called, "She's Everything." I always wanted to be someone's everything, where that song could be described about me. Thank you for letting me be that girl, thank you for accepting me even for my little quirks, thank you for liking my obsessions and my projects and my crazy ideas and especially my creeping, thank you for being mine.

I love you.

On May 14th, I posted this quote: "Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself that you tasted as many as you could."

I was scared to risk my heart. I didn't know where we'd end up a few weeks later, let alone a year. Life tried to break me and swallow me up, it did before you came around, but I made some choices and realized some things and it was worth it. Trey, you were SO worth it. Everything we've struggled through, the tears we've cried, the nights we've stayed up way too late, the goodbyes that took too long, the memories that hurt so bad, they were all worth it. We're here now. One year later, stronger and even more in love than I could have ever dreamed. You still make me melt when you look at me or you kiss me and it gives me crazy butterflies just like the first time. Dear Trey, this year with you was more than I could have ever hoped for. Thank you for showing me what real love is because it's incredible. Always and forever, Elle.

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