Tuesday, April 13

“The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.”

Hm, so yesterday I got my extra credit assignment in my computer literacy class. It rocked. I got a third grade pen pal! Her name is Rosario. She's nine and likes pumpkin pie and pizza. Her favorite color is purple LIKE MINE and she doesn't like fish because they have a lot of bones. ME TOO. It's super adorable. I love it. My assignment is write back and I'm so stoked, clearly. I honestly don't even remember much about what I was like in third grade. I was probably a know it all, nerdy, and I loved writing, especially in cursive, that's for sure. I used to practice signing my name everywhere. I also dotted my i's with hearts and smileys, but who didn't.

It's weird that third grade was like ten years ago. Time flies. I'm 18, almost 19 now. I'm pondering how fast time really does past. Today I was in real estate math class sitting next to Trey, scratching his back, giggling, and typing I love you on my calculator and showing him and almost a year ago that's exactly what we were doing everyday. We were all mushy gushy crazy in love pretty much right after prom, which for Hamilton is this weekend. The 18th was the day it all started and here we are now. We've been dating for 11 months today. Something I sometimes take for granted I think. Some people never make it this far to say they've been together for a year and enjoyed every moment of it for the most part.

I often wonder how Trey and I look from the outside. I've gotten glimpses into the opinions of others such as me being controlling, which seems to be a general theme for me and I've heard we're awkward, but I've also heard that you can tell we're in love. I like to believe we radiate that more than the petty fighting and the occasional pissed off face. He really does make my heart beat like crazy and kissing him is one of my favorite things to do. I really can't imagine spending my life with anybody else, but him. He has more patience than any man I've ever met and he gives me unbelievable reality checks that life isn't all serious. Because even in those moments where I'm so frustrated, I can get a glimpse of him from the corner of my eye and he can barely keep a straight face and I can't help but crack up as well.

I always think I post about Trey too much, but it all makes sense. He makes up every day of my life and has for over a year now in some way or another. It's harder now having opposite schedules, but he's always with me because I know when I'm thinking of him, he's also thinking of me.

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