Sunday, April 18

"Thank you for spending almost a year of your life with me. I love you so much I can't even explain."

In twenty years, I won't have any senior prom pictures to show my kids of me and my date because I didn't have one. I told myself all through high school that when it came to senior year if I didn't have a date I just wouldn't go and I'd be okay with that. But for some reason I went. There are pictures of me and my three best friends, all single enjoying each other's company at prom. I wish I had pictures from the actual dance because if I did it would show two things: my extremely poofy gorgeous gold dress and the boy who's tux was messed up because of the corset back of that dress. That boy was Trey.

He always tells me that a year ago today, our senior prom, while we danced for hours he knew he loved me. I never believed him, Trey's a sweet talker though so I always smiled and nodded, but after seeing Emily take pictures yesterday for her senior prom I thought back to that day and that night and I knew while we slow danced and I looked into those same brown eyes I just looked into of the man sitting next to me at this moment, I finally believe that he knew he loved me then. I believe it now because I know I loved him too.

In twenty years, I won't have pictures with Trey from that night, no proof that we were even together, but I'll have that love in my heart that has only grown for him since that night and I think that will always be enough. Always.

And plus, I'll have Trey there to vouch for me when we're telling our kids to enjoy prom because it was the first night of the rest of our lives.

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