Tuesday, April 20

"I get high with a little help from my friends."

Okay, so it's high on life, but it seemed like an appropriate title for 4/20 when I truly was high on life. It was an adventure day. I woke up early where I thought I would go to real estate school with Trey at 9, but soon it made sense that I still hadn't woken up early enough to make it in time with traffic and whatnot. I called Trey, only to find he never even woke up, so we had our own special day. We woke up with a trip to Starbucks where we enjoyed our coffee at laughed at the "philosophical" discussions going on around us. "I mean like where did Doug and Rugrats go?" ...Yes, so deep. :) I also talked about wanting to get into knitting and how I saw on Sunday Morning Sugar about a cool knitting store. We went home and researched where it was. Scottsdale.


It's called Knit Happens and it's full of yarns of all kinds, needles, books and classes and a super adorbs Golden Retriever that Trey loved. I loved the smell. It smelled almost like cinnamon, which Trey and I call "Christmas" because that's how all the craft stores smell at Christmastime. After talking to one of the super helpful ladies that worked there, Trey spoiled me with three new books, white yarn, and size 8 knitting needles. EXCITING NEW PROJECTS HERE I COME! :) Considering we were near Old Town Scottsdale, we ventured to our mutual favorite icecream place: the Sugar Bowl. We got a wonderful lunch and then delicious ice cream.

I truly enjoy his company. We always share a lot of laughs and plans and it really is SO worth it. If I could nothing and just have mini adventures with my boyfriend everyday I would because who wouldn't wanna see his smile everyday!? :)
After the Sugar Bowl, we drove home and our usual antics ensued. We danced and sang obnoxiously. He double fist pumped and I had passenger road rage while sniffing the yarn because it too SMELLED LIKED CHRISTMAS! The rest of the afternoon before Trey went to work was spent winding the yarn into a ball and me attempting to knit. It's MUCH harder than 3 books and 574387549 websites and videos make it out to be, seriously. But the websites were helpful and the videos did help me to learn how to cast on and make my first row with knit stitches. But the rest is...difficult. It's definitely teaching me patience, so that's always a huge plus because when I do even make a tiny accomplishment, I have a huge smile across my face.
Yes I currently don't have any projects on my needles. I've had to cut and restart a few thousand times, actually only like 5, but still. I'm getting there. :) I wish I could have everyday like today. I really do because I honestly think it's more valuable to grow in my relationship with Trey over doing anything else boring and unnecessary. 

oh btw, GLEE ROCKED. Madonna + Lea Michele = WIN! :) Team Rachel.


sharlondrawhat said...

ahhhh. i can't wait to have knitting parties ALL the time :) oh, and i have a TON of knitting needles, all different sizes and colors, if you want to borrow them!!
love yooouuuu, sam <3

Elle said...

Um yes! Those will rock hardcore. Those plus hot yoga plus life plus SUMMER! I hope I semi learn how to knit at all before you come home. 17 dayyyyyssss.
