Friday, September 18

“if you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don’t write, because our culture has no use for it”

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People:

10. You make me look at myself in the most horrible way. I compare myself to you even though I'm the one who has him. I feel inadequate, thank you.

9. I don't know what's happening. I feel like we're slipping. We're both finding different people because we feel like the other isn't around. It breaks my heart when you and her talk over comments like you have nobody like her around, even though I'm right here. FML.

8. I wish I got your name. I had so much fun with you.

7. You annoy me.

6. I wish you had a girl who saw what I saw in you. You're selfless and kind and one of the best listeners. One day you'll find someone who appreciates you and loves you like I do.

5. You've changed my life for the better. You're amazing and I miss you every minute we're not together. Things are changing, but I hope they'll fall back into place. We're just hitting a bump, but I'm in this 150%. You're my other half and you have my soul.

4. I miss you. Little things remind me of you and it's hard that you're so far away from all of us. I think we're all missing a part of ourselves.

3. I hate that we go through phases of talking everyday all day to barely speaking for weeks. YUCK. Let's change that.

2. Our friendship is different. I feel like I'm breaking some unspoken rule when we talk. You make me feel alive and young and happy and without stress, that's the best part. I'm gonna hate when I leave and never see you.

1. I hate that you've hurt the best person in my life. Whenever I see you I have an urge to punch you in the face and kick you in the balls for breaking her. You were the beginning of the end. She'll never be whole again and that's not fair. You deserve unhappiness for the rest of your life. I'm sorry, but you do. Go screw yourself. :)

Nine things about myself: 9. I'm paranoid and OCD. 8. I’m a bitch 7. I wish I could have the desire to work out. 6. I get jealous way too easily. 5. I wish I painted more. 4. I want long hair so badly. 3. But not as badly as I wish I had money. 2. I get obsessed to things easily such as OTH, Greek, Farmville, Awkward Family Phots, TFLN etc. 1. I procrastinate more in college than I did in high school. Crap.

Eight ways to win my heart in relationships: 8. Kiss me all the time, anywhere. 7. Love me for me. 6. Make me smile/laugh. 5. Compliment me even if I don't look good. 4. Trust me. 3. Randomly pick me up and carry me. 2. Don't complain about my excessive picture taking. 1. Send me cute texts.

Seven things that cross my mind a lot: 7. How broke I am. 6. How badly I wish my hair was long and beautiful again. 5. How much I hate my face. 4. Trey. 3. There aren't enough hours in the week. 2. Slipping away from people. 1. Freedom and how badly I crave it.

Six things I do before I fall asleep: 6. Wash my face. 5. Change into my pjs. 4. Put Coop in his kennel. 3. Text Trey. 2. Drink water. 1. Watch tv.

Five people who mean a lot: 5. Emily. 4. Trey 3. Alex 2. Mom 1. Schnook.

Four things you’re wearing right now: 4. Capris. 3. Love AE v-neck. 2. Pledge ribbon for GPhiB. 1. Bra.

Three songs that you listen to often: 3. You Belong with Me - Taylor Swift. 2. Smile - Uncle Kracker 1. Run to You - Lady Antebellum

Two things you want to do before you die: 2. Get married 1. Publish a book.

One Confession: 1. I love seeing cute little kids in public, it makes me wish I had one, it sometimes breaks my heart because I don't even though I'm so young.

1 comment:

Em, duh. said...

i super love you and this so i'm stealing and putting it in mineee :)