Tuesday, August 18

"We fear we will not find love and when we find it we fear we will lose it."

I saw the status on facebook. I could feel how broken you were without even talking to you. I knew another one had found a way to further your insecurity and your belief that true love isn't out there. I texted you immediately hoping for the best, a fight between you two, but expecting the worst, another one had left again. The worst.

After receiving the forwarded text that jackass sent you from two desks away about how worthless and ugly and insignificant you are, I think I reached breaking point. I always hated him, for everything: for cheating on you, lying, using you for rides and food, taking advantage of you, and crushing your heart. I wish you could see what an amazing person you truly are. You are filled with compassion and love beyond all bounds and a heart so willing to love. You're lucky I have self control because after that text and those words about you being fat and the worst mistake he ever made, I could hurt him, but it's not worth it (and you won't let me haha).

As for the newest asshole to the list, I have no words. What he did was low, saying you couldn't tell people he was your boyfriend, only to find out he was dating someone else behind your back. I thought he was different too. I usually do because I love seeing you happy and optimistic. I don't even know what to say. You've been hurt more times this year by guys that claim to care about you than I ever will be. I want to prove to you your worth, how special you are, how beautiful you are, and how damn LUCKY a guy should be to have you.

I can't see you like this: low and broken. It's like torture to me, so I can't even possibly imagine how you feel. Relationships aren't supposed to be you fighting your way to matter to him, he should just show you that you matter. Relationships don't need petty arguments and silence. Silence should be filled with laughter and caring words. I want you to have what I have because you'll never crave anything else for the rest of your life no matter how much you keep reverting back to what those jerks said, you'll have someone screaming the very opposite much louder. I love you so much, keep your head up, God is here, and one day you'll find the one who made this hurt worthwhile because you found him.

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." - Psalm 34:18

1 comment:

Em, duh. said...

i love you so much, you have no idea how much that just made me feel better.