Sunday, June 28


I wish I could tell you that Trey took me out on our very first official date last night. I wish I could tell you that we went to the Keg and I tried really hard not to eat like a pig. I wish I could tell you about how I started to bitch at him in the car while I sat and played on my stupid iTouch. I wish I could tell you how he continues to plan surprises knowing I hate them. I wish I could tell you how he turned down Appleby Road by school and we went over the train tracks onto a dirt road and drove until it ended. I wish I could tell you how he took my iPod, found our song, and put it on repeat. I wish I could tell you how Trey made me get out of the car and took me in his arms. I wish I could tell you how we danced to "l'll Be Seeing You" countless times and I cried. I wish I could tell you how the sunset was perfect in the west and the night was perfect in the east. I wish I could tell you how much I adored the dirt under my sandals and how I desperately wanted to stay in that moment and just kiss him forever. I wish I could tell you how we watched Breakfast at Tiffany's together just because it's my favorite movie. I wish I could tell you all of it. I really do.


Rachel Dawson said...

looks like you just did :)

Elle said...

i know. but it's not the same. :(