Monday, June 15


I want to wake up in your room, in your bed. I want to wake up to that view in your window, the one that overlooks everything below. I want to wake up in your arms, my skin pressed against yours. I want to shower in your bathroom and wash my face in your sink. I want to make you coffee and have toast with you. I want to read the morning paper with you and drive to work with you. I want to have our photo in a frame at the corner of my desk. I want to come home from work to you. I want to hold you and feel you and love you properly. I want to make dinner with you. I want to do the dishes and sort the laundry with you. I want to get ready for bed with you. I want to fall asleep in your arms, and wake up to you and do everything all over again. I want to be with you.

:) yes yes yes yes


Anonymous said...

i wanna creep on you while you sleep.
i like your eyelashes.

Elle said...

you have such long eyelashes. i was watching you when you fell asleep.

i love you em.

Trey Fitzpatrick said...

YOU'RE perfect :) I love you and that sounds like the perfect life for us :)