Sunday, May 24


You know when you just fit with someone? Like you can't even explain it. It makes sense why you stay with them through the bad times because you have this. You'd do anything and everything to keep and maintain it. Doing whatever it takes, no matter how crazy it makes you, no matter the sacrifice because that person completes you and you'd be lost without them. When you look at your life, they are everything that makes you happy and they are your everything and you want to spend forever in their arms with them experiencing every good and every bad and making every moment matter. Because it's with them.


Rachel Dawson said...

:) :) :) :) :)
and i love YOU.
best friend for lifeeeee.

Anonymous said...

You are the reason i smile everyday I love you :) :) <3

Anonymous said...

I've been following this blog for a little while and I think you're writing is beautiful. The way you express yourself is absolutely amazing and its inspiring to myself that you have these outlooks on life. But don't take this to be creepy, I am genuinely meaning to compliment you and your thoughts. Thanks for continuly sharing!