Friday, May 22

the best day.

Yesterday proved to top my list of best days ever, like ever ever. Second to last Thursday of highschool, wow. Enough said. But also a new beginning full of hope and friendship. I stumbled across Lizzie's blog, somehow curious about her feelings I began to read post after post, coming upon one speaking about me. I started to cry, like hardcore. She understood me, everything I felt, the hurt, the pain, the struggle to let go of everything you held dear. I texted her and we began to talk about so much, mostly hurt and happiness in some form. She totally gets me and vice versa. It was honestly the best thing. She knew exactly what to say to make me feel better and give me hope of moving on. I'm so glad we've been able to push aside the cruel judgements and hurtful looks to become closer. I only wish I would've let go of my pride sooner, so I would've had the oppurtunity to have a friendship with such a beautiful person like Lizzie. But I'm so glad I finally did.

Yesterday was the Taylor Swift concert. The night Em and I had been counting down until from the minute we found out we were going. My aunt ended up bailing so I'm glad Emma could come last minute. I'm pretty sure you readers quite possibly understand how much I absolutely adore her and her music. She seriously sings about my life, but I never actually realized she felt everything I did until I saw the passion and the emotion when she sang it there in front of me. Just being in her prescence was one of the single coolest feelings. I got to scream and sing and cry, knowing not just her and me and Emily, but also tons of girls in that room had felt the same way at times in their lives. The energy was incredible and Taylor's ability to perform just astounded me. So much better live, although nothing can top the screaming, rocking out, singing that goes on in my own car. :) Seriously I can't even begin to explain how amazing it truly was.

Yesterday was the best. I'm so emotionally drained, but it was so worth it. In one week I'll be prepping for graduation mentally while sitting in UP with my favorite people after our last lunch as legit seniors. I'm so excited for this week and for life and more days like yesterday.


elizabeth kristina said...

danielle, same here. you're such a beautiful person, inside & out! i too wish i could have put whatever kept me from talking to you aside so we could be friends, btu hey, better late than never!!

we'll have a wonderful time at ASU.

pst join choral union with me & tommy monster!!

Rachel Dawson said...

yay for happiness :)