Thursday, May 7


I know there's gonna be a point when the summer and graduation will be so close that I will be able to taste the freedom and then I will want to turn around and run back the other way, to freshman year and do this all over again. That point is not here yet, and oh how I wish it was.

I'm so tired of the frustrations of everything, the little things and the big things. The jealously, the song we couldn't learn in choir, the stupid teachers that whip us and throw desks, the "friends", and the really retarded assignments in classes we hate. I've found myself at my breaking point day after day. Going to sleep hoping tomorrow will be better, less stressful, but every night I'm even more disappointed than the night before.

Next Tuesday is my very last choir concert. The last one ever for me, the 24th of my life. It's starting to sink in, this is really ending, all of this. I know that night when I'm usually so apathetic during Shalom I will be in tears, leaving it behind. It was a love hate relationship for 6 years. I dreaded the long days in class, the pissed off teachers, the songs I passionately hated, but I loved the days we got the songs so perfectly, understood eachother, and the best friends I made in the process. That's when I will truly realize I would do this all over again, these four years that I experienced so much even though I probably wouldn't change a thing.


Rachel Dawson said...

i remember shalom! and i lovedddddd it. before i moved, in 8th grade, my chorus sang at hamilton with the choirs, and we all sang shalom, and i about cried. its beautiful. and its honestly the perfect way to end choir in high school, dan.

and...i'm so happy to have you back.
i've missed you.

Elle said...

Awh racheyyyy I missed you too.

(: I wish you were here just for graduation and that.

Rachel Dawson said...

i would be if i could be