Wednesday, April 7

"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will."

Yesterday I wore this and finally gained the confidence to go up to MCC and sort everything with my financial aid and my admissions. I was quickly overwhelmed by the size of the campus. All the buildings looked the same. It was rather quiet compared to what I typically encounter on a daily basis at ASU. The overall feel was so me. There was grass everywhere and people sitting alone or in a small group on it either reading or writing or just enjoying the peace of it all. There was a beautiful garden with so many different colored flowers, a place I could see myself soaking up for inspiration in the warm afternoons. I must have looked confused or lost because a lady had to direct me to admissions. It wasn't far if I had only looked at the map. I filled out the papers to say I was an Arizona state citizen and waited like I was at DMV, for someone who was grouchy to tell me unnecessary information. That took about a half hour and I met up with Alex after he was finished with his classes for the day. We found Trey back in admissions settling the holds on his account then we walked around campus and Alex showed me where all my classes would be: the design building.

I walked in the building that looked like all the others, but inside it felt so different. I loved the way the heels on my boots made the powerful I'm a strong woman walking into the room sound. It wasn't cold like it looked on the outside, but colorful and exciting. It was full of new opportunities and it made me wanna stay and explore for hours.  We went out to lunch and then all went home and I caught some much needed sunshine before I spent my night enjoying American Idol and Lost at Alex's with the momma's. It was an overall good day.

I'm excited for this weekend and tomorrow is Trey's 19th. I like when things are going my way.

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