Thursday, January 28

“You should marry someone, not because you think there isn’t anyone else out there, but because you love THAT person. Like, if you had a cupcake, you would want to share it with him.”

"Today, was by far one of the happiest day's of my life. After over a month of what seemed like way to much drama, sadness, fighting, silent treatments, everything just building up to a point of no return. But I got a text this morning that asked me to read what was written in a notebook outside of my front door. I read it and got a text that asked me to text you once I was finished reading. What I read over the three pages brought me to tears... something that is very hard to do. You spilled your heart out on these pages. I was so saddened, I thought it was something like a Dear John letter. I thought you might actually be leaving. But what I read on the last page gave me hope and through the tears I smiled. "I love you, lets do it for them". And I couldn't have agreed more. I picked up the phone and tried to call you. It went straight to voicemail :) as my calls normally do haha. So I sat down and just let the tears stream down my face. I began to think of what to say when I saw you. Thats when I heard the garage door, my heart lept. I hoped it was you but you had said you were going to school, so i figured it was my mom and I tried to wipe the tears away. But when i saw that it was you they flowed back. I was so happy to see you running toward me. I held you in my arms and I never wanted to let you go. I kissed you and my heart stopped. It was a time stopping kiss, I thought I had lost you. I picked you up and carried you to the couch and just held you. I never wanted to let you go. We then went back to my room and watched a movie. Where i just got to hold you more occasionally kissing you. I loved every minute, every second, my heart beat with happiness. :) All day I have had a smile on my face :) After the movie we went out to eat. You were texting him again. But I didn't even care. Everything felt right, like it used to. After lunch we went shopping for a tutu :) haha an interesting venture to say the least. ;) haha The reset of the day I have spent thinking about you. I love you so much DNF and I want, no need, you to be mine forever :)

Written with love and crappy writing skills by
EJF :)"

I'm watching the Notebook and they are dancing to "I'll Be Seeing You," and it reminds me of us, so many months ago on that dirt road or maybe before we were even dating and it was the second to last track of the CD you made me. You give me hope, so much joy, and so so much excitement for everyday to come because my love for you only gets stronger. I love you Trey. I love you so much.

Trey is and I'm so SO grateful for it. (Rip J.D. Salinger)

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