Tuesday, January 12

"We can’t plan life. All we can do is be available for it."

Dear 2010, You have started out as the best year ever. I feel like everything fell into place after the most emotional New Year's Eve I've ever had. 2009 ended with being yelled at by my mother and getting hung up on, but thankfully I was in the presence of my "family," the group I finally belong in. I can't imagine spending random nights together at someone's house, or on iChat with anybody else. One of those nights we randomly decided to go to Payson the next day. We packed up Sam's car and drove up to Alex's cabin and had many adventures. Adventures in the car documented by bad filming done on my Flip, adventures doing Alex's mom's list, adventures hiking and crossing very high creeks (or in my case falling in and getting my Ugg's stuck between two rocks being pulled out by Trey and Alex), and adventures in McDonald's finding our long lost family member, my son Clark. Getting back to reality didn't suck as bad as I thought it would because I've seen Emily SO much. We've picked up right where we left off and I wonder how I went so long without my sister. I think my favorite thing is when we realize from movies and tv shows how we relate to other best friends or in the Kardashian's case, we're Kourtney and Khloe (HER OF COURSE!). I thoroughly enjoy being woken up because she spilled chocolate milk and needs a new shirt or when she's calling me from class because she's starving or when we can start a Hangover quote text battle, my favorite. Winter Break is coming to a sad close. I practically cried when I ordered my $600 books online yesterday. After one final trip to Buffalo Wild Wings, the group believed we were saying goodbye to Sam, it only led to deciding she'd officially be "initiated" by getting a tattoo purchased by the boys (only Trey in reality) the next day. I couldn't imagine spending hours in Club Tattoo with anyone else. It was sad to see her go when her and I had become so close. :( It must've been all the torture we inflict with our words on Trey, Alex, and Stephen. Since then I've practically locked myself in the house or where people won't see me because for some reason I've been craving the alone time.

UGH, I just remembered what I discovered in the past few days that I hate. Prior to the new year, my parents talked about the prospect of possibly getting a new car this year, well this possibility came a lot quicker to be reality once my baby, Penelope, started stalling again more frequently after coming out of the shop leading to a trip to the Honda dealer yesterday. I've been avoiding this since Saturday because a Honda isn't really something I want, I know I apparently sound like a spoiled brat, but not because a Honda isn't nice enough or whatever. I just I'm so comfortable and attached to my 2001 Green VW Beetle with the peace sign tail light covers, the carnation in the dash, my GphiB sticker on the back, everything fits me so perfectly. On the way home from the dealer I cried silently in the passenger seat realizing it wouldn't be long before she would be gone for good. I also cried because looking for cars is one of the most frustrating things ever and now I understand why NOBODY enjoys it and my dad knows the General Sales Manager at the Honda, so I got off easy technically and I know what I want. Apparently I'm picky and stubborn, well duh. I know what I like. A small, two door, cute, working, "inexpensive" car. We walked into the showroom and I saw it. The HOT red Honda Civic coupe and as we walked around nothing measured up to that and apparently nothing lit up in my eyes like that car did. I felt bad for the poor guy who had to show me and Trey around because I was very certain that I knew what I wanted and that guy had shown it to me in the showroom and that was it.  Dad shot it down quickly once he heard the price, even though I don't really know my budget or limit, so I'm not to blame. For the record, I hate that Honda has like 5 levels of Civics and the Red doesn't come until you raise the base price 4,000 to the third model, the LX. Pissed doesn't even begin to cover how I feel because I thought I had finally come to terms with leaving Penelope. I think I feel worse now, especially after sitting in the car with Trey talking about all the moments that she created in the past year and a half and the one that jumps out was that without her I would've never truly met Trey, he jumped that POS that was even annoying back then when I got it. :( I hope I don't cry when I trade her in once and for all. I know you're thinking how can someone be so freaking attached to a car, but she was my first and I don't like change. I'm tired and I really don't know how much of this will make sense, but I'm posting it. Ironically, "Goodbye to You," just began to play on iTunes. This is a good stopping point on what I thought would be a mostly happy entry.

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