Wednesday, January 6

"Too wild to tame."

I love my blog, don't get me wrong, just I find it to be a hassle. I feel like I can only post when I wanna be deep or meaningful or when I can relate to people, so that's why I have tumblr. I post on my tumblr constantly. It's like a blog, but more random and you're more interconnected to the people you follow or follow you. Tumblr defines themselves as, "Slightly more structured blogs that make it easier, faster, and more fun to post and share stuff you find or create, a scrapbook.I want my readers here to understand me a little more because I feel like you see more of me through tumblr because I post so frequently and if you want to make one they're way fun and easy to use. Here is my link, so you can follow/read it: & this is for all you fantastic anonymous commenters, my question page to ask anything for me to answer on my tumblr:! Oh yes, btw I'll post about my quick couple of hours trip to Payson yesterday later on or whenevs. I started to last night and then my computer froze and I lost my post, but it was a BLAST. :)

1 comment:

Rachel Dawson said...

i'm so obsessed with my tumblr these days. always have been. but lately its like off the chartsss