Monday, November 2

“studying is hard when your heart misses people.”

October was a blog-ish month, 12 entries which is the most I've blogged since Summer. I guess my procrastination is shining through. I'm happy to report that Trey and I are out of our slump. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I've seen him almost everyday for weeks. :) I guess that is also causing me to suffer in school which is another story entirely. Yikes, I've definitely made some questionable decisions even for me. Blahhh. I think I've finally come to a strong, set place with friendships thanks to the cluster I'm in at ASU and the sorority. I've found people who are real and not immature. My twin and my Big are my rocks. They're the escape I've needed from highschool. Cait, Kiara, and Noelle have been amazing listeners, true sweethearts, and great support when I've needed it. Michelle, whom I've come to realize I share a soul with has been a constant through all the shit I've been through in the past four years.

I'm excited for November! Lots of days off. Getting back on track. 6 Month Anniversary! Initiation and I-Week!! THANKSGIVING. STEPHEN COMES HOME!!!!!!! Just everything is so exciting. School is almost out for the semester and I'll get my much deserved break. I thought this would also be a good time to report on my 2009 list progress. Let me remind you what I said in my list:

1) Graduate high school.
2) Go on a road trip.
3) Meet Rachel. :)
4) Host a semi-formal cocktail party.
5) Get a tattoo. (SOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!! 11 DAYS!)
6) Sleep under the stars.
7) Finish a Sudoku.
8) Save up for a big vacation.
9) Cook a full meal.
10) LOVE MORE :)

So basically I'm failing, but I have over a month, too bad I won't be meeting Rachel in that time. :( Speaking of Rachel, I wanna give a quick update to everyone on what I've been spending my non-school (should be study time on): (YAY LISTS!)

1) Blogging, obviously.
2) Writing letters I may never send.
3) Driving around aimlessly with Trey. (Some of the best moments of my life.)
4) Making Car V-logs with Alex (and going down one way streets. YML?)
5) Wasting away my life on Farmville, Facebook, and Tumblr.
6) Reading The Last Song leading to contemplations about love and life with Trey.
8) SUNDEVIL FOOTBALL (and subsequent t-shirt making!)
9) Becoming more obsessed with tattoos by the day! :) (DID I MENTION 11 DAYS!?)

This whole think was random. I've realized that maybe I'm being careless, but I'm living my life, something I think I didn't do enough of last year. Being heartbroken sucked. Now I get the privilege of being happy ALL THE FLIPPIN' TIME. :)


Rachel Dawson said...

meeeeet meeeeee.

Elle said...

i wrote you a letter today!!! I can't mail it because I don't have your new address.

Rachel Dawson said...

oh, i haven't moved yet! it's still the same for 2 more weeks. and even if it doesn't get here before we leave, all our mail will get forwarded.