Wednesday, August 5

"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky."

I came across these sharpie tattoos from a few posts on my dashboard on tumblr. I found the flickr from which they originated and was inspired to actually blog by this one.

Something has been tugging on my heart for quite some time. I accuse myself of loving too much, maybe spreading myself too thin for people who may not deserve it. I welcome people into my heart quickly, most see it as a weakness that I "fall too quickly" or that I used to date around a lot. I never out loud said so, but I always was self conscious about it. I'm truly fascinated by love and what it makes us do, humans and animals. We change, we try to impress, we go out on a limb, we risk, a lot. It surely makes us crazy. I've done things for people I love that I could never ever ever imagine doing on my own. My heart is big, I can't help it. God blessed us to bless others and I do it through love. You say I spread myself too thin, but I say I can go further.

It scared me that a majority of the people I've extended love to throughout my life, may never have shared that same extensive love with me. It doesn't anymore because I know for me, loving too much is impossible. I am a person who is defined by the love I give, not by the love I receive.

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