Friday, July 24

"If you hadn’t let me go, I wouldn’t have let myself go."

I feel like everything has completely turned around except work. I really want to quit and start tutoring privately. The idea is laughable, I understand that. Trey and Charles cracked up when I mentioned it. This is what I want though. I just have to figure out how to get there. God will provide what he thinks is best. This sort of ties into what's also been on my mind, how badly I want a tattoo. There's a verse always on my mirror in my bathroom, 2 Corinthians 5:7. It says, "We walk by faith, not by sight." It's sort of the the thing I can visually look at and remind myself to keep going through the crap. I've decided to get that on my foot. I don't know when, but soon. :) I'm saving up.

I feel like my summer is just about to start since the boys are going back to school on MONDAY! Then, on the 5th my NY best friend, Dana, is flying in with her family and staying with us FOR TEN DAYS. SO EXCITED. Everything is really going great, like it feels like a new start for everything.


Em, duh. said...

walk by faith on the foot... props to your genius sister :)

Rachel Dawson said...

love it love it love it :)

Elle said...

Em - True my sister is a genius! Except when she forgets about every single one of her prior engagements. HAHA

Rach- Love love love love YOU.