Friday, June 26


A lot of you know why I chose ASU for real. Besides the bigger scholarship, less money, and the fact that I get to keep my job, my mom threw in an extra incentive, a HUGE incentive.

It all started a few months ago when I was the mall with Emily. We drifted our way into Puppies 'n' Love just to satisfy our craving for cute puppies. We each found one we fell in love with. Mine was a French Bulldog. We talked of the possibilities of our cute dogs being best friends like us, going for walks, training them together, taking them to Chipotle, and so much more. We decided their names would be Lulu and Lola. That night we presented the idea to my mother at the Keg as a birthday/graduation present and how responsible I'd be, the usual crap kids tell their parents to get them a dog. She wasn't budging an inch on this, there was no way. About a month later a letter came from ASU, stating that I was still enrolled and I had this scholarship offer available. She texted me while I was at work, "ASU is giving you more money, stay home, I'll get you a dog." Basically that text sold me.

From that point on, I searched eagerly for breeders of Mini French Bulldogs because they were much cuter and my mom wanted a dog under 15 lbs. Only one place had them. It was in Chicago and they wouldn't ship them. They were extremely over priced, boasting their top quality designer dogs. I wanted a girl, it seemed as if she was only getting boys. Lulu was the only option, so I checked their website diligently every week waiting for the announcement of Female Mini French Bulldogs. Last week I got my wish. Mini French Bulldogs male and female would be arriving next week. I called my mom screaming in excitement and Dino, Mom's boyfriend called them to put my name on the reserve list. I would be getting Lulu so so soon!

Tuesday night I took Baskin Robbins to my sister while my mom and Charles went to the Santan Mall. My mom always makes it a point to go in there too, to aww and whatnot at the puppies. The first window in the middle bin, there were three fuzzy white puppies. One of them, an odd hybrid, a Japanese Chin/Pekingese mix, looked up at her. "Intense" green eyes and so adorable. He had just arrived that day, looking nothing like the average Japeke. When I got home my mother and Charles raved about this dog and his "intense" green eyes and how he was so inexpensive. I shrugged it off, Lulu would be coming in a matter of weeks. She still wanted me to go look the next day, so I did. I was excited to the say the very least and when I walked in, oh my word he was so cute. The manager took him out for me and we snuggled and he was such a little fuzzy ball of cuteness. She told me about how they were very loyal breeds, good with kids, quiet, lovable cuddlers, and how she had never seen a Japanese Chin or Pekingese with green eyes. He was only 2.6 lbs and she estimated he'd grow to about 7 or 8. Perfect. I definitely fell in love with him and his green eyes. I gave the lady my name and told her I would be back that night with my mom. My mom was very excited. We found a dog, but it was a boy. I swayed on that because he was just so darn cute. We researched names all day going back and forth from Rocco to Gucci to Einstein to Cooper. I stood by Cooper considering he was going to be mine.

Mom got home, we ate dinner and rushed over to the mall. I kept praying that his little fuzzball of cuteness didn't capture someone else's heart within 6 hours. We walked up to the store and saw the sign over his tag, SOLD. In less than 6 hours, they sold the puppy I fell in love with, the rare breed and color of his eyes would make another one hard to find. That same lady was there explaining to my mom that he was a popular one today. Tears welled in my eyes and the lady apologized, but Cooper was gone. Mom talked to Dino on the way home about the unfortunate events and I was just letting all of my stress get to me in the form of sobbing. Mom told Dino how she felt like if she would've only got him last night or left work sooner she wouldn't have ruined this for me. I cried to Trey and then got on facebook chat with him. I was so frustrated at my so super crappy week when the door bell rang. Mom was like, "I'll get it, it's just Dino." I stayed engulfed to the screen as Dino walked in. I turned my head and in his arms was my Cooper. He had went in earlier and bought him for me. I squealed and shrieked with excitement holding him in my arms. He was perfect. :)

Now two days later he's become accustomed to our house. Sleeping in my room, cuddling on the couch, barking at the TV, and sleeping. ASU will be so worth it because of Cooper. :)

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