Saturday, June 13

Best Birthday Ever.

This past week I was quite skeptical about the outcome of the party. People were bailing at the last minute, forgetting details like the time or the date, so I was freaking out. That's a little bit of an understatement. :) Em and Trey continued to reassure me that everything would turn out great as it usually does and that I should stop being so psycho (basically). I didn't, but oh well. Last night came and Emily and my decorating was failing with the wind and our retarded-ness. We basically gave up and went to get ready. Emily got a few texts that would surely put a damper on the mood. Something I couldn't stop thinking about all night, wishing she was having fun, knowing in my heart that she wasn't, at all. The whole thing started out slow and quiet, giving me sure doubts about how much fun I would have. It started to get better. We went outside, put on the fire, and went in the hot tub. The laughter that emerged from that hot tub was surely the loudest I had ever heard between Emma and I alone, then everyone else's subsequent laughter. I had a great time. I really really did. I love all of you who made it so super fab. Like really, snaps to you guys, you all are amazing :)



4 Some!


Sister! :)

The whole group of Geeks :)


Anonymous said...

get your nose pierced.

Elle said...

who is this?

Anonymous said...

i dunno.
you tell meeee.

Anonymous said...

danielle i don't know you, but wow you really tell your whole life story on a blog that ANYONE can clearly read... not so smart.