Thursday, October 23

epic fail.

Today during choir our group epic failed at sight reading. I wasn't paying attention at all and I deserved to be embarassed in front of the whole class like I was. Then I just found this and it's ALLLLL true. :)

6 Benefits of Failure

1. Failure gives you a new perspective on yourself and everything else you do. It can actually be liberating to fall, pick yourself up, and discover that the world is still turning.

2. Failure gives you the freedom and motivation to strike out in still more untried directions. When you realize that failure isn't fatal, you're more willing to take risks and try new things.

3. Failure gives you a better understanding of others. Most people fail sometimes, so why shouldn't you know how it feels? Plus, when you fail at something that other people can do, you start seeing them differently. You realize there are many ways to succeed, and many types of abilities- some of which you have, some of which you may never have. Your focus becomes less narrow.

4. Failure gives you permission to do less than your best at something else- and something else after that. You get more done. You're less likely to procrastinate.

5. Failure teaches you that there are degrees of accomplishment. It's not an all-or-nothing proposition. You don't have to be the best to learn something and have fun.

6. Failure teaches you that no succeeding can be normal. And necessary. And even desirable. You can learn a lot from failure- but you have to be willing to fail.


Rachel Dawson said...

this is SO true. I actually enjoy failing sometimes, so I can get the new perspective on how to suceed. Not that failing is fun, but the benefits aren't bad :)

Elle said...

haha ever since that day, i actually try in sight reading for choir. that's a huge lesson.

Rachel Dawson said...

very good! :)