Friday, December 11

“Treat every night like it’s prom night.”

Truly this has been the shortest and longest semester of my life. It was as if I blinked and realized crap, it's December, but also so much has changed me; making each day almost longer and harder than the previous. I started in August as an entusiastic, excited freshman ready for whatever college threw at me and now I'm ending in December quite pessimistic and sincerely doubting myself. I feel like I've lost my confidence and hope and all my beliefs in my abilities.

That's how I wake up in the mornings anyway because throughout the day I'm reaffirmed through God's unconditional love for me despite my moods and mistakes. He has blessed me with lessons, people, and love. I feel like I can never talk about the one person who has stood by my side enough because he really is everything I never knew I needed. Trey. I feel like lately all of my hurt, frustration, and sadness gets thrown on his shoulders. I tend to do that because I feel too weak to deal and I feel like his strength outweighs mine. I don't know if it really does, or if it really matters because his patience sure does. I feel like everyday we're closer to the forever we have both always dreamt of, despite how hard our individual stresses are.

We have a uniquely amazing relationship. We have no secrets, we share everything. We see eachother almost everyday whether it be a five minute meeting in parking lot just long enough for a loving gaze and kiss or a whole day spent driving around aimlessly getting absolutely nothing productive done. Sometimes we sit in the warmth of the truck and I lay on his shoulder and take him in and realize that I'll remember these moments most. I love sitting at Mama J's talking about everything and she comments on our relationship and how she loves watching us because we're funny together. Trey, we are funny together because at age 18, after 7 months, I know I want this for the rest of my life because you're the peanut butter to my jelly. You compliment me perfectly. I love how we never really fight and you can make me laugh and shake my head when I'm in the worst mood. Sometimes I secretly believe you're the answer to all my problems, that you can solve all the ones I frequently cry to you about, but I take a step back and realize you're also only human and God knew I needed you for these moments when I need a warm embrace and a real, “it's going to be okay.” I hope you wake up every morning (or afternoon) and think, “I'm so loved,” because you are and always will be.

So here's to seven months on Sunday. LUCKY SEVEN. :) I hope you love your Christmas/Anni present because it's only taken me over a month to find the perfect ones because I won't accept anything less than the best for the best in my life. I love you amidst the chaos and stress currently filling my mind because you fill my heart, my Almond Joy.

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