Friday, August 28

"insert thought provoking quote about first week of college here."

Today is friday. My first college friday! :) I've survived one week at ASU. That is an accomplishment for realsies. I got lost so many times, spending almost an hour to find one building, countless calls to Alex, Trey, and Em, thousands of calories burned from walking and sweating, yay college life. But seriously I love my classes, for the most part. Physics & LIA are kind of not my thing. They're long and seem to drag when they're just lecturing about stuff I have no interest in. I love love love love my cluster. Clusters are groups of classes with the same people. Mine is special, it's called Music in Motion, which links Physics and Music. I have 4/5 of my classes with the same 9 other kids and only them, it's so awesome. We've already clicked and I can already tell this semester is going to be a blast. College is way different than high school. It's like culture shock almost. Kids smoking wherever, whenever, bikes almost running you down constantly, lots lots lots of WALKING, teachers expecting more, not telling you about papers and homework and letting you call them by their first name (WEIRD) and nobody really holding your hand anymore. I'll get used to it.

I finally owned up to a mistake I made, allowing someone to manipulate me once again. It feels like the weight is off my shoulders and things are looking up now that you're out of my life. I love Trey so much. I'm cherishing every moment with him. It's making our time more special for sure. I love spending nights like last night together. First we were at the football game with Em, Alex, Randy, Charles etc, then he took me and C home, we then sat in the bed of his truck and just talked. I just looked into his big brown eyes and thought how damn lucky I am to have someone I'm so in love with.

"Just say what you mean and mean what you say. Don't expect someone to read your mind, and don't play games with heads or hearts. Don't tell half truths and expect trust when the full truth comes out. Half truths are no better than lies. Don't be cold to someone you care about, indifference hurts more than angry words."

Speaking of people I thought I was so in love with, Casey. I realized how much I thought I was in love with Casey. I didn't even know the bounds of love till Trey came along. Him and I were never right for each other. We stayed together because we both thought we would not find someone else. I'm Trey's everything, his princess, his whole world, Casey said that too, but the difference is Trey says it and MEANS IT, he shows it. Casey gave me firsts, but one of those wasn't first love. It was first heartbreak though. I'm so glad I know what love is now because it's so real. I'm not going to discount what we had. It taught me a lot about life and I grew from the relationship and got to pick up my pieces.

“Maybe a happy ending doesn’t include a guy, maybe… it’s you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is… just… moving on. Or maybe the happy ending is this, knowing after all the un-returned phone calls, broken-hearts, through the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarrassment you never gave up hope.” - He’s Just Not That Into You

I'd like to leave my blog with something cute and meaningful. I'm failing at finding at something on tumblr.

there we go :)

BTW, i'm so stoked for rush next weekend, five straight days of only being with girls trying to leave a good impression. CROSS YOUR FINGERS THAT I FIND A GOOD ONE FOR ME, KIDS!

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