Thursday, July 30

“The sparkle in your eyes could make the stars jealous.”

FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY! It feels like everything is back its correct place, that all the crazy 1000 puzzle pieces aren't jumbled anymore but all in their spots creating a serene peaceful lake that is my heart. Wow, that sounds retarded haha, but oh so true. Dealing with the little mishaps of my day to day life are much easier than all the crap of big difficult things. Life is getting pretty exciting right now. School starts in 24 DAYS. College, woah. I'm happy to just be moving on.

Lots of new and exciting things are in store. I'm going back to work for parents from home and on Saturday's at the office, one thing I told myself I'd never do, but right now with work this is so much better. I will also be putting in my two weeks at Mathnasium to start a new endeavor. I will be starting a private tutoring business with a super catchy name, doing what I love. Mathnasium was great for me to help me decide teaching is where I want to spend my life, but lately there have been some issues and frankly, I have no hours. I'm SO SO elated to be starting this. It's everything I could have asked for.

I've also discovered how amazing Demi Lovato really is. Thank you new album! Seriously, it's amazing. :) Last night along with The Fray, it was perfect for how frustrated and confused I was feeling. Long story. But yay for temporary happiness.


Rachel Dawson said...

burn me demi lovato cd please? :)
and i'm super excited that you are doing your own tutoring thing, i think it will be perfect. love you dan!

Anonymous said...

you're gay

Trey Fitzpatrick said...

Hey anonymous. You are really starting to piss me off. You want to act hard and cool by anonymously commenting on a blog. But you are acting like a little pussy. You want to talk shit? You obviously know me and danielle enough to get involved in our personal lives so how about you tell me your real feelings and knock off these bitch ass anonymous comments. Thanks