Monday, April 13

how to live a good life.

Suggestions and Reminders on how to live a happy and rewarding life:

- Say something positive as early as possible everyday.
- Believe in miracles, but don't depend on them.
- Never open the refrigerator when you're bored.
- Never refuse a holiday dessert.
- Never allow anyone to intimidate you.
- Never hesitate to do what you know is right.
- When someone tells you they love you, never say, "No you don't."
- Forgive quickly.
- Kiss slowly.
- Remember the credo of Walt Disney: Think. Believe. Dream. Dare.
- When someone lets you down, don't give up on them.
- Don't forget it only takes one person to change your life.
- Remember that when your mom says, "You'll regret it," you probably will.
- Hold yourself to the same high standards that you require of others.
- Type out your favorite quote and place it where you can see it everyday.
- When you need to apologize to someone, do it in person.
- Be happy with what you have while working for what you want.
- Remember that a grateful heart is almost always a happy one.
- Never leave a loved one in anger.
- Remember that cruel words hurt deeply.
- Hold puppies, kittens, and babies anytime you get the chance.
- Watch your back.
- Be passionate.
- Be the first to apologize.
- Never tell anybody they can't sing.
- Go for long, hand-holding walks with your significant other.
- Don't drink anything blue.
- Own a globe.
- Keep a picture of each person you've dated.
- Rebuild a broken relationship.
- Never underestimate the influence of the people you have allowed into your life.
- Don't use your teeth to open things.
- Hug a cow.
- Watch reruns.
- Believe in unicorns.
- Remember that everyone has bad days.
- Marry someone who loves music.
- Laugh obnoxiously loud.

I have found such amazing friendship and guidance in one woman over the past few months, not very long, enough. I can tell her anything and she treats me like her daughter. Her strength and wisdom never cease to amaze me. I've leaned on her more than she probably knows when my own parents didn't truly understand. They still don't, but she always does. Yesterday we talked on Facebook Chat for probably over an hour about our similar personalities, something I never knew we had in common. We share the same ideas in friendship and the way we view life. We're both full of rollercoaster emotions and unconditional love. We bottle up things quickly and wait till we're close to exploding before we vent. I had always thought my truly passionate in every way personality was such a horrible flaw of mine, something nobody else shared, but she does. I think that's why I click with her. She gets very excited for people when they're happy and very protective when they're upset, just like me, like a mom. Mama Beth. You are such an incredible blessing and warmth in my life. You always know just what to say at the right moments and I look up to you so much. I hope when I grow up and get married and have little kiddos, I'm just like you. You inspire me completely, Beth. I love you and I will miss you so much when small group is over. Don't forget me because I will always remember you.

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